Publicity For Introverts 

Would you describe yourself as “self-promotional”?

Probably not.

After all your mother always told you it wasn’t polite to brag.

And nobody likes a showoff.

On the other hand, as a business owner, isn’t promotion a critical part of your job?

And if you aren’t worthy of promotion, why should anyone buy from you?

Therein lies the heart of Publicity For Introverts, a great new coaching program and soon-to-be-published book by my most recent podcast interview guest, Jane Tabachnick.

We all know that successful publicity can have a tremendous impact on our professional reputations and sales levels, but few of us feel comfortable tooting our own horns.

Jane helps us identify our Unique PR Personas by figuring out what types of promotional activity are within our comfort zones. Then she shows us how to capitalize on those strengths for maximum effect.

Click this link or Jane’s photo above to spend 20 minutes listening to her explain how to quickly get over your fear of publicity.

But – whatever you do – don’t tell your mother!

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