Media Relations And Exposure For You And Your Firm

The Future Of Media Is Now

New Media RevolutionThe media revolution which has occurred due to the ascendance of the Internet has been nothing short of spectacular.

Traditional powerhouse publicity channels such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio have seen their influence and reach rapidly outpaced by upstart online media.

Magazines are shrinking – both in page count and readership. Newspapers are either dying or already deceased. If Jeff Bezos had not purchased it with $250 million of his own cash, the Washington Post’s future would be uncertain at best.

The video game industry has eclipsed the film business and audiences are fleeing traditional television and radio stations in droves, favoring online media like Netflix and podcasts.

The powerful irony is that today you can reach more people – who are more interested in your specific message – more quickly and less expensively than ever before, if you know how.

In short, this ain’t your father’s PR anymore.

Digital Media Positioning

Home Improvement Education SeriesWe connect our clients with targeted audiences locally, nationally and globally through our licensed syndicate of traditional media outlets and network of relationships with new media publishers, bloggers, podcasters and social media thought leaders.

The open secret in media circles is that the 24-hour news cycle hungers for content. They want your story.

Our years of experience in both journalism and publicity allow us to target the right medium with the correct message, persuading them to feature our stories and our clients on their outlets.

Additionally, our expertise in digital media creation – web, blog, audio, book, interview, speech, video, etc. – means that our clients are always presented professionally and in the manner most likely to get the attention of new media outlets and their audiences.

The Heart Of Your Story

The most critical factor in this entire process is the story, your story, at the heart of the message. This is why we are so particular when considering new clients.

If you aren’t solving problems we can’t help you. But if you do have a unique and beneficial solution that only needs exposure to gain traction we extract the essence of your story and tell it in powerful ways you may never have considered.

We often hear clients say things like, “Wow, I never looked at what I do that way before,” or “I could never have felt comfortable saying those things about myself but when you say it it sounds great!”

Which points out another important benefit of having a publicist: letting someone else toot your horn so you don’t have to. It’s not only easier for you but more effective in generating attention and results.


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