I want to share something incredible with you today – But first, in order to put this amazing news in context, I need to tell you about one of my core beliefs: Entrepreneurship is the Answer I am convinced that entrepreneurship is the answer to just about every problem that we humans share and create

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Sorry for a longer-than-usual message this morning  – But this one is very important and takes a little ‘splainin’. It’s all about advertising your business on television. Imagine it. Your 30-second message being seen by thousands of people simultaneously –  maybe even millions of crazed Super Bowl viewers! Of course, 99% of those viewers have no

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What does SEO really mean? A shorthand definition of Search Engine Optimization might go something like this: Creating your online posts, pages and profiles in the fashion which will optimize their chance of appearing at the top of Google results for searches based upon what you do and where you do it. Examples of search

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[The video and audio players are at the bottom of this page] I truly enjoy public speaking. Nothing can match the energy of presenting to a roomful of smart people who are rooting for your success while standing ready to challenge your message. But live presentations also have one inherent disadvantage – they can only

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Ever heard of “Crisis Communications”? It’s a specialty in the Public Relations world that deals with successfully addressing and defusing a PR crisis using nothing more than words and images. Companies that ignore it do so at their peril. Just ask United Airlines. I’m not going to address the merits or demerits of what occurred

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How’s your relationship with your banker? If you’re like most small business owners it’s not very good. In fact, you probably don’t even know who “your banker” is. “I can have a banker?” While many banks large and small do a lot of talking about “Relationship Banking” – particularly with small business clients – very

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