When you want to send a message, you have a lot of channels to choose from: Email Blog Post Podcast Tweet White Paper LinkedIn Article Facebook Post Phone Conversation Google Hangout Smoke Signals Carrier Pigeon But no matter which you use, that’s not really what you’re doing. What you’re doing is telling a story. The

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Will this be the year you establish your recognized authority? If you’re ready to make a dramatic change in your personal and professional status in the next few months, I’m ready to give you a tremendous incentive to get started this week. If you start right now, in the next twelve months you could achieve any or

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Have you ever tried to reason with a reptile? You do it every day. I’m doing it right now. In his incredible book Pitch Anything, Oren Klaff explains the single biggest reason most sales presentations – or proactive communication efforts of any kind – fail miserably: The speaker’s cerebral cortex is trying to use facts

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Happy New Year! Here are 16 ways you can dramatically improve your personal brand and elevate your level of recognized authority in the coming year. Implement just the first three and we’ll be seeing you on the red carpet by fall. Put all 16 to work and there’s little doubt you’ll be participating in the

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Canadian entrepreneur Dan Martell has a simple Authority formula. Starting with the objective of generating the most traffic with the least effort, Dan does the following for every firm and project he lays his hands on: Creates a list of the top 10 most frequently asked questions (FAQs) he hears Produces individual YouTube videos which directly

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Very few of us should create our own podcast. We just don’t have the time, technical skills or temperament for the job. But we can still squeeze gallons of Authority Juice out of podcasting by taking a much easier route – appearing as an interview guest on other people’s podcasts. In a recent episode of

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