Every professional has a story to tell, as does every corporation and non-profit. But before you begin to tell that story, you must be clear regarding the message you intend to convey. What are you trying to say? Who is your target audience? Are you looking to inform, persuade or entertain them? What do you want

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Content Marketing is the most powerful – and most misunderstood – marketing channel available today. Digital Media Positioning gives you all the power of a consistent Content Marketing program with none of the complexity. Using the Voice-Activated Marketing technique pioneered by Conrad Bosmans, we draw your very best content from your most reliable your source –

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Perhaps no other attribution does more to confer recognized authority than “published author.” In spite of the tremendous turmoil in the publishing industry, having a book in your repertoire still says “expert.” And, because of that same technological upheaval, writing and publishing a book has become easier than ever, with the right guide to show

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No matter your industry or specialty, a small number of your peers are seen as authorities, commanding higher fees, speaking at trade conferences, being quoted in the press and enjoying an endless stream of demand for their services. These people are not necessarily the most knowledgeable in their field, they are instead the most well-known.

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Ever thought about launching a podcast? Dr. Ivan Misner never had, until Digital Media Positioning founder Frank Felker persuaded him back in 2007 that it was the perfect way to communicate directly with his tens of thousands of BNI members scattered around the globe. Today The Official BNI Podcast has produced over 600 episodes, which

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What happens when the story the founder wants to tell is not the story the angel wants to hear? Nothing. Digital Media Positioning teaches entrepreneurs how to most effectively communicate their compelling value proposition to investors, customers, team members and the press using The Message Onion. Frank Felker is an award-winning speaker, entrepreneurial educator and

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