To tweet or not to tweet? That is today’s question. I’ve had a Twitter account for years but never use it much – mostly because I don’t really understand Twitter, how it works or what it’s good for. At the same time, experience has taught me that the best way to learn what a digital

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“Are you writing a book so you will have something to sell or are you writing a book so you will have something that sells you?” This important question, frequently posed to aspiring authors by the inimitable Jack Mize, synopsizes the thesis of a book I have just finished reading. In Publish To Sell, Long

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How’s that content marketing program coming along? “Not so good,” you say? Well, you are not alone. Some pundits – including Conrad Bosmans of VAMO Media – claim that content generation is the number one challenge vexing companies of all sizes. That’s why Conrad and I have joined forces to create: THE CONTENT MARKETING CHANNEL

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Has podcasting finally gone mainstream? When I initially launched Radio Free Enterprise back in 2005, most people I spoke to asked, “What’s a podcast?” As RFE returns to the iTunes Store this week, things have changed. Over 2.6 billion podcast episodes were downloaded last year alone and, with the availability of direct in-car downloading becoming

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How many books do you need to sell to make real money? Chuck Boyce says just one, if you’ve got the right reader. In his recent interview on Radio Free Enterprise, Chuck tells the story of tax attorney Darren Mish, whom he helped publish a book entitled The IRS Battle Guide which quickly became a

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Leadership doesn’t mean what it used to. In the not-so-distant past, successful leaders projected an impenetrable shield of infallibility and continued the beatings will until morale improved. Not so much today. In his far-reaching examination of modern business leadership, Discover Your True North, Bill George argues that the most important trait a successful 21st Century

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