I would have written a shorter blog post, but I didn’t have the time. When it comes to effective communication less is more, which requires some work. I use The Message Onion strategy to tell prospects everything about my business that my time – or their attention span – will allow. When someone asks “What

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How soon will you be appearing on the global stage? Sooner than you think. In our digital age you could end up in prime time in no time. Case in point: Two days ago I wandered into a niche online discussion, being produced on a new video conference platform called Blab which I had never

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What meaning do these two words convey to you? BEST SELLER Could be the book. Could be the author. “Sounds great, but is it something I can take to the bank?” Let’s ask the doctor Dr. Michael Burgdorf of Music City Plastic Surgery in Green Hills, Tennessee, recently published The Mommy Makeover, which became a

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Would you describe yourself as “self-promotional”? Probably not. After all your mother always told you it wasn’t polite to brag. And nobody likes a showoff. On the other hand, as a business owner, isn’t promotion a critical part of your job? And if you aren’t worthy of promotion, why should anyone buy from you? Therein

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How do you feel about public speaking ? We often hear incredible claims about people fearing it more than death. Hmmm… That seems a little bit dramatic to me. But when you add a microphone or camera to the mix – and maybe a few reporters in your face – it might not be too

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On Facebook your ad can be seen by over 1 billion people. Who cares? I only want to be in front of a small number of people who have a high propensity to buy my product or service. But I want to be in front of them all of the time. Which is why Facebook

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