I’ve just learned the secret to always looking your best! Create your own Attractive Character and place it front and center in all your messages. To a greater or lesser degree, what you see above is the blueprint that every recognized expert uses to tell us who they are and why we should care. And

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Let’s play a word-association game… What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when I say Target Marketing? Pain? Extreme boredom? Complete confusion? Utter disregard? If you answered yes to any of those questions, your business is probably suffering. I believe we all need to focus our marketing efforts on an extremely tight niche

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Ever thought about launching a podcast? Dr. Ivan Misner never had, until I persuaded him back in 2007 that it was the perfect way to communicate directly with his tens of thousands of BNI members scattered around the globe. We started out small but I am happy to report that this week he’ll publish Episode

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Would your friends describe you as “sticky”? I’m talking about your story, your elevator speech. Does it stick with people after they leave your company? Could someone recite it correctly to the next person they meet, even just a few minutes later? Probably not. Creating a sticky story is not easy but it can be

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You and Barbara Corcoran have a lot in common. You’re smart, successful, respected by your peers and really good at what you do. But here’s where you two differ: Barbara has transformed her success into recognized authority. Her story is well known and often told but it really comes down to this – she made

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Different sounds trigger different reactions in different people. But, for most of us, there is one sound that demands our immediate attention. The strong metallic noise made by a shotgun being racked is so recognizable and emotionally provocative that it is used almost incessantly in films and television. Even people who have never held a

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