Have you ever been to Spain? I have not, but I do remember the Three Dog Night song that asked the same question. The point is that I have a client who is spending a month vacationing there right now, and becoming Zip Code Famous the whole time. How is that possible? La Sagrada Familia, the Barcelona

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Why would a multimillion-dollar company produce six-second video ads? Then pay to present them on YouTube, instead of Facebook or traditional television? And keep doing those things for weeks and months and years? Because they work. And they’re cheap. And they’re easy to create. Click the play button above to spend 80 seconds watching a

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I had a brainstorm recently. ProblemHow can I explain the power of local YouTube advertising to establish your brand as the best Remodeler, Chiropractor, or Realtor in your own backyard – in 3 words or less? SolutionIt hit me like a ton of bricks: Zip Code Famous! Every local business that wants to stand head and shoulders

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Comparatively speaking, very few businesses run ads on YouTube. I mean, most business owners have at least experimented with Facebook ads or Google Pay Per Click ads. But less than 9% have ever even TRIED YouTube advertising. And I think I know why. Video ProductionSimply put, YouTube ads are videos, and therefore require everything a Facebook ad does

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I’ll tell you in a second. But first, please consider this digital marketing fact: You can either Work For Google or Pay Google. Work For GoogleYou can spend hours creating content you hope will go viral, adding just the right keywords, headlines, and thumbnails to catch the interest of the mysterious algorithm and then wait

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I won’t keep you waiting. The Best Kept Secret in Video Marketing is YouTube Bumper Ads. What are YouTube Bumper Ads? Click the image above to watch all nine bumper ads I’m running (49 seconds total) What makes YouTube Bumper Ads so great? As I have shared previously, I am on a mission to make Digital

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