But I’m NOT an “expert!” I’m always surprised when successful people tell me that. They like the idea of Authority Marketing, like the speaking opportunities, prestige, higher revenue potential, and powerful sales channel it represents but they don’t feel comfortable with the idea of being presented as an industry expert. My response is always the

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“Highly Paid Educator” Not the way we used to think of teachers, is it? But today you can share your knowledge and experience with all of humanity through the wonder of online education. You don’t need to capture much of that market to turn a profit. There are scores of Internet teachers generating six-figure incomes

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They say a picture paints a thousand words. That’s why it’s so important that you have a lot of them, showing you doing your great work. The words are the thing – the words those pictures will paint about you in people’s minds. When striving for recognition, many people go for “grip-and-grins,” shots of them

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“What other people say about me is none of my business” Have you ever heard that expression? Regarding one’s personal affairs it may be true, I’m not sure. Let’s ask Dr. Phil. But when it comes to your profession, what other people say literally IS your business. In today’s interconnected world, the quality of your

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Feeling charitable? I hope so, because one of the best ways to be an educator and advocate is by donating your time and services to one or more worthy non-profits. You get a chance to meet, work with and really get to know a lot of interesting, like-minded people while supporting an important cause. The

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People often tell me that I have a face for radio. Which was a fortunate trait to have back in early 2004 when a friend of mine called to ask if I could help him get his own show on a major station in the DC market. Jerry Boutcher was a college classmate who had

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