Escape from The Prison of Comfort 

Something amazing is happening right this minute –

Chaim Ekstein’s first book, Escape from the Prison of Comfort & Create the Life of Your Dreams is starting its soft launch on Amazon this morning.

And, as part of this first marketing campaign, Chaim is offering this powerful book for only 99 cents until midnight tonight.

So please take a moment to purchase the book right now while you’re thinking about it. You can read it on any smartphone, tablet or PC – you don’t need a Kindle device.

After you read the first chapter or two, if you are so moved, Chaim and I would appreciate you coming back to Amazon to leave a five-star rating and positive review.

I’m confident that you will agree it’s that good.

One indication of the power of Chaim’s message is that Bob Proctor, the internationally known self-development authority and bestselling author, was so moved by it that he wrote the foreword for the book.

Tonight at midnight the price will be reset to its permanent $4.99 level. And later this week Mr. Proctor will be featuring Chaim’s book in a message to his 1.2 million-strong email list.

What a great way to help spread Chaim’s message to the world.

Your support in purchasing, rating and reviewing the book ahead of that formal launch is greatly appreciated.


Frank Felker



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