I’ll tell you in a second. But first, please consider this digital marketing fact:
You can either Work For Google or Pay Google.
Work For Google
You can spend hours creating content you hope will go viral, adding just the right keywords, headlines, and thumbnails to catch the interest of the mysterious algorithm and then wait for days and weeks to see if your efforts bear any fruit.
Pay Google
Or you can simply pay Google to put your message directly under the noses of your ideal clients on every screen they are staring into all day long.
I’ll take Door #2 Monty.

Click the image above to watch the 1:11 YouTube ad I ran last week
For Example
All last week, as part of my campaign to make Digital Media Positioning the best known digital marketing agency in my local area, I ran a YouTube ad campaign that featured a single 1:11 video ad.
Using the incredibly powerful Google Ads platform, I targeted the Top 40% income earners across 102 Northern Virginia zip codes and pulled the trigger.
What Happened?
- 9,138 Impressions (Saw the ad, watched at least the first six seconds)
- 5,013 Views (Chose to watch at least 30 seconds)
- 3,791 100% Views (Chose to watch the whole ad)
- 6,224 Minutes Total Watch Time (103 hours and 44 minutes)
How Much Did It Cost?
All of that branding and exposure cost me a total of $90.19, spread out over 7 days.
Which works out to $0.01799 (1.8 cents) per view!
But That’s Not All
I can now retarget my 3,791 100% Video Viewers with a more assertive ad that offers them a free resource in exchange for their email address.
And then continue to market to those registrants via email until they either buy or opt-out.
This is how marketing works in the digital age kids.
Will It Work For You?
This particular campaign was focused locally but the Google Ads Platform and YouTube Advertising can target any audience anywhere in the world.
The only way it can’t work for you is if you don’t try it.
Let’s pick up the phone. Let’s give us a call.
Frank Felker
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
Wayne Gretzy | NHL All-Time Leading Scorer