It was a big night at FedEx Field.
The NFL’s Washington Commanders were playing their first home pre-season game in front of their new owner, billionaire Josh Harris.
And Mr. Harris was asked to appear in the broadcast booth, between Troy Aikman and Joe Buck, to say a few words to the television audience.
But he probably wishes he had stayed in the owner’s suite, because what followed was an object lesson in “What Not To Do” when appearing on live television.

DC Loves Josh Harris
Now, don’t get me wrong, every football fan within 100 miles is very happy to welcome Mr. Harris to Washington. Shoot, I have a daggone man-crush on this guy!
What pained me was that his cringeworthy on-screen appearance could have been avoided with just a little coaching and rehearsal ahead of time.
Here are Five Easy Steps to a Professional Appearance on Television
#1: Dress The Part
You don’t have to “look like” anything in particular, you just don’t want your attire to be a distraction. Wrinkles and sweat stains are generally a no-no.
#2: Memorize Your Talking Points
Be ready to share three points with your audience – in this case, American Football fans in DC and around the country.
- I’m very excited by this opportunity
- Washington Fans are the best in the league
- We are committed to winning and winning soon
You can’t control what questions Troy and Joe might throw your way but you can control what comes out of your mouth. Mr. Harris nailed this one.
#3: Practice Makes Perfect
The easiest way to avoid looking like a deer in headlights is to rehearse in advance – in front of a camera. You don’t have to go full-blown Debate Camp like a presidential candidate. But you should record yourself 3-5 times going through a five-minute live interview of this type – and then WATCH THE VIDEO. Painful as it might be, it’s the fastest way to improve.
#4: Keep A Clear Head
Speaking for myself, everybody likes to knock back a couple of beers at the game. But, if you’re going to appear live on national television, you should hold off until after the interview.
#5: Nail The Landing (and Takeoff)
Two of the most important moments in any TV appearance are the beginning and the end. At both of these moments you should be “smiling down the pipe” (looking happily into the camera or the eyes of your host) and saying something short like, “Thanks for having me.” Avoid shaking hands.
Why Should I Care, Frank? I Don’t Appear on Television!
Whether it’s Good Morning America or just an afternoon Zoom call, it’s critical to come across professionally on camera. And, with just a little coaching and promotion, you could go from Zoom to GMA sooner than you think. Well, at least Good Morning Washington.
Any Questions?
If you’d like to learn more, click this link or the “Let’s Talk” button below to schedule a video call. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll learn in just 15 minutes – at no charge!
Frank Felker
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley