When was the last time you posted something on your blog?
You say you don’t have a blog?
Well then, how often do you post to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram?
Almost never you say? Why do you figure that is?
I think I know.
The #1 reason people give me for not taking advantage of the tremendous opportunities presented by Content Marketing is, “I don’t have anything to talk about.”
Sure you do. Just tell us about the people you serve and the problems you solve every day.

“We just installed a beautiful new front door for a family in the Crosspointe neighborhood of Fairfax Station, Virginia. They chose the ProVia fiberglass door because of its high energy efficiency rating and beautiful appearance.”
Post those two sentences (along with an eye-catching photograph or two) to your blog, Facebook page, etc., and the next time someone in Fairfax Station runs a search for “new front door” or “ProVia doors” your information is going to rank very prominently.
Lather, rinse and repeat for every job you do and every customer you serve for the next six months and, before you know it, your company and the problems you solve will be found all over the web.
This strategy will work for any business in any industry. And the best part is, you never run out of things to talk about.
If you’d like to learn a couple of additional tricks that supercharge the effectiveness of this approach, click this link.
Frank Felker
Content is King.
Bill Gates | 1996