The ME ME Content Marketing Strategy 

Have you ever worked with a Program Director?

I worked with several PDs on the radio, but the job is the same on TV.

The Program Director is responsible for creating the best mix of programming that will attract and engage an audience, while also generating revenue.

Run too many ads and you’ll drive away your audience. Run too few ads and you’ll go out of business.

It turns out that the best mix of content for any broadcast station is the same one that will maximize your success with Content Marketing.

Create and distribute content that contains equal parts of M, E, M, E:

  • Motivation
  • Education
  • Making The Pitch
  • Entertainment

This is the strategy put forth by Gary Vee in his bestselling book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. Give away three pieces of free content for every one time you ask your reader / listener / viewer to buy something. 

ME ME just makes it easier to remember what kinds of free content to offer in one-third doses: Motivation, Education, and Entertainment.

So, here’s my challenge to you: Become your own Program Director for the next month. 

Identify four pieces of content you can generate and distribute (via email, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) that will follow this framework.

Email me your answer and I’ll give you a free one-hour telephone consultation (a $600 value) to discuss what you’ve come up with and how it might be improved. 

No holds barred and no obligation to buy anything further. If you’d like, we can also record our talk, so you can refer back to it later.

Only two slots available: first-come, first-served.

You can do this!

Frank Felker

Basically, radio hasn’t changed over the years. Despite all the technical improvements, it still boils down to a man or a woman and a microphone, playing music, sharing stories, talking about issues – communicating with an audience.

Casey Casem | Longtime Radio Personality

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