Will you marry me?
I didn’t think so.
Why would you? We don’t know each other well enough for me to even ask that question.
This is the same reason why 90% of even your most ideal buyers will refuse to purchase your product or service within the first month of being introduced to it.
They’re not willing to make that level of commitment – just yet.
According to research by Marketing Sherpa, only 10% of buyers will purchase within the first month of becoming aware of your company or offering.
- 10% will buy in under 1 month
- 30% will buy in 1-3 months
- 24% will buy in 4-6 months
- 26% will buy in 7-12 months
- 10% will buy after one year

The Power of Branding
That’s why it’s critical to invest the time, treasure, and trouble into branding – so that your ideal buyers can get to know you better before you pop the big question.
The problem is that most business owners aren’t interested in branding. What they want are leads – and lots of them – right now!
Who can blame them? New customers are the lifeblood of any business.
But, considering the importance of attracting new clients, does it really makes sense to ignore 90% of ideal prospects just because they’re not ready to buy today?
Cold Traffic Drives Unqualified Leads
The problem with generating inquiries from complete strangers is that they don’t convert well. And, when they do, they don’t convert into high-value clients who are willing to pay a premium price for your premium product or service.
Zip Code Famous
The Zip Code Famous system powers your branding while generating a steady flow of qualified prospects, continuously warming-up cold audiences and transforming them into hot prospects month after month, year after year.
Not only does this mean that your ideal customers will know all about you before they call, it also assures that they will be much more likely to buy when they do.
Because they’ll be choosing to buy from someone they already know, like, and trust.
Please feel free to pick up the phone and call me at any time.
If you prefer, click this link or the “Let’s Talk” button below to schedule a Zoom meeting.
Frank Felker
There are no strangers here. Only friends you haven’t met yet.
William Butler Yeats | Irish Poet and Dramatist