Tell me about your best customer.
Who is that great client that brings you the most revenue, or the one with which you most enjoy working?
And how did they transform from being a complete stranger to becoming your best customer?
Even if you weren’t aware, it happened over time, through a series of five stages:
- Stranger
- Suspect
- Prospect
- Customer
- Client
Armed with that knowledge, you can attract more customers just like them, with video.

As with any journey, this one begins with the critical first step, introducing yourself to your most profitable prospects, through one or more marketing channels.
STAGE I: I’ve Never Heard Of You
We’ll talk about Stages 2-5 in future messages. Today, let’s start with Stage 1, Stranger, by facing the brutal fact that, if I’ve never heard of you, there’s no way I can buy from you.
Stranger to Suspect
So, to move me from Stranger to Suspect (heard of you but don’t yet trust you), you need to tell me at least one story and make sure I see it. This is the beginning of the Branding Journey and video is the perfect solution.
Nothing Tells Stories Better Than Video
Since ancient times, our minds have been hardwired to most quickly understand and retain information through storytelling.
And, if a picture paints a thousand words, moving pictures with sound paint millions. Best of all, your videos will tell the same great story, the same way, every time, 24/7, anywhere in the world.
How to Tell Stories that Sell
There’s an old adage in Marketing: Facts Tell but Stories Sell. So don’t tell us facts about who you are and what you do. Tell us stories about your clients, who they are, what problems they face, and how you solve those problems quickly and completely.
The Best Marketing Stories
The most effective, most profitable video stories fall into three categories:
- Education
- Validation
- Promotion
Getting People to Watch Your Stories
Today, you can showcase your great video stories on over 500 Premium and Local TV Channels, including ESPN, Paramount, Discovery+, Bloomberg, Comedy Central, A&E, The Food Network, Lifetime, CBS Sports, FOXNews, CNN, and The NFL Network.
Every Social Media platform, including YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X (Twitter), and Tik Tok.
Direct Messages, including Email, SMS Text Messages, DMs on Facebook, X, LinkedIn.
Through the Mail or FedEx, in the form of Video Brochures, Video Postcards, and Video Christmas Cards.
How to Start Attracting More “Best Customers” Using Video
Begin by building audiences of prospects who are not only highly qualified, but who have actually raised their digital hands to say, “I’m interested!” Then send them strong calls to action, encouraging them to schedule a discovery call or home visit. We can show you how.
I know that I’ve shared a lot of top-level information in this message but don’t worry. I will explain more about each one of the points above in future emails. In the meantime, please feel free to pick up the phone and call me at any time with your questions.
If you prefer, click this link or the “Let’s Talk” button below to schedule a Zoom meeting.
Frank Felker
We are the storytelling animal.
Salman Rushdie | Novelist