Are you a solopreneur? Across the country and around the world, tens of millions of people are running small businesses single-handedly, with zero payroll or overhead expense. One of the biggest challenges of this path is separating yourself from larger competitors in the marketplace, elevating your personal brand in the mind of your prospects. Yesterday

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I have a busy week coming up. At 1:00 pm EDT today, I will be interviewed on a weekly Facebook Live show, produced by Dan Rochon of the Greetings Virginia Extraordinary Business Network. Tomorrow afternoon I will be presenting at the OTAC business networking group at the Belle Haven Country Club, and next Monday at

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Books have the power to change lives. Last Wednesday, my client Chaim Ekstein, the author of Escape From The Prison of Comfort & Create The Life Of Your Dreams, forwarded me a message he had received from a reader that included this sentence: “Through this book, I realized how much I matter to God and

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Looking to get more speaking gigs? The first thing meeting planners want to see is your one-page speaker sheet. Like the rest of us, these people are busy. Your speaker sheet needs to give them just enough information on one page to understand: Who You Are What Qualifies You As An Authority On The Topic

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Are you struggling with Social Media Marketing? Trying to come up with new ideas every day for social posts and videos is a pain. But there is a smarter approach that you may not have considered – repurposing content that you’ve already created. Let me give you an example. I recently captured the audio of

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It’s elementary my dear reader. If a fictional character can share his knowledge with the world by publishing a short book on a targeted topic, surely you can as well. While he never wrote a novel like his creator, Sherlock Holmes did produce quite a number of “monographs” on a variety of topics related to

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