How to Write a Book in Less Than 3 Years 

How long do you think it would take you to write a book?

I recently received an email from an acquaintance proudly announcing that, after three long years, his book was finally going to come out – 73 days from now!

While I applaud this person’s tenacity and persistence, I can’t help but wonder how much money this delay has cost him.

When he and I first met, back in January 2017, he told me about the book he was writing and how this powerful sales tool was going to transform his wealth management business.

I agreed completely and suggested I could be of service.

After asking me about my services and fees he declined my offer, stating that, “I think I’m better off doing this on my own.” Both then and now, I beg to differ.

I have not read his book and so can’t speak to it’s value as an information resource for his clients or marketing vehicle for his firm.

But I can say this: the 30+ month delay in publishing his book has cost him tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue and significantly slowed the growth of his firm.

With my help, his book would have been published back in 2017. And my fees would represent a small fraction of the revenue he could have generated between then and now.

If you have a book on your bucket list, I urge you to take action immediately to bring it to life.

Hire a professional to help you get it published as quickly as possible, and then rapidly put it to work attracting A-List Clients and elevating your personal brand.

Don’t put it off another day. Give me, or somebody, a call today.

Frank Felker


You’ll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind.

Irish Proverb

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