Short Attention Span Theater 

Would you click PLAY on a 23-minute video?

Maybe not. Few of us think we have time to watch long videos, even if like the title or think we might be interested in the topic.

We don’t click PLAY just because the video “looks too long.”

So, as a business owner or marketer, what can you do with a long video to get more people to watch it? Create a YouTube playlist.

Breaking a longer video into a series of short, meaty chunks, and then organizing those chunks into a playlist, benefits both you and your viewers.

Your viewers will prefer watching a series of short subjects rather than a feature film, and will also like the control of being able to choose which topics to watch and which to skip.

You benefit because YouTube playlists give you:

  • More opportunities to appear in Google (and YouTube) searches
  • A better chance of answering the viewer’s exact question with no fluff
  • Longer total watch times
  • Higher probability of channel subscriptions
  • Wider distribution and elevation of your Personal Brand

Let me give you an example:

Early last month I livestreamed an Author Interview with Charlie Weisinger about his new book, Peace Through Planning. After some minor editing, the finished video was 23:02.

Not terribly long but possibly more time than you’d want to spend in one sitting learning about Estate Planning.

By chopping that interview up into 13 individual one-question-one-answer videos, and putting them all into a YouTube playlist, viewers can now pick from a variety of specific titles and choose to invest between 36 seconds and 2:17 in learning more.

Once you start watching the playlist and realizing how much Charlie Weisinger knows about Estate Planning and how clearly he’s able to express what he knows, you may just choose to watch the entire interview.

Click on this link to see what I mean.

Frank Felker


The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.

Thomas Jefferson

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