Have you ever considered taking on an investor? Having met with and presented before scores of angel investors, investment bankers and venture capitalists over the years, my advice would be, “proceed with caution.” These types of investors might be able to write you a big check, but they can’t do much else to help you.

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Let’s face it, you’re a problem solver. The problems you solve and the people you solve them for are the reasons why you’re in business. No people with problems to solve, no clients for you. Your problem is that the people you want to work with don’t know that you’re the one that can solve

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It’s unlikely we’ll ever see a true video email. Bandwidth and security constraints make it almost impossible to embed a video player in the body of an email message. But we can send emails that contain an animated gif file – like the one below – that link to a video that starts playing automatically.

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Nobody understands what you do my friend. You may think that your current clients, prospective clients, and the public at large understand whom you help and what problems you solve for them, but you’re wrong. They don’t. Just think how often you hear people say, “Oh, I didn’t know you did that!” We’re all too

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Back in the early 2000s, every business owner was told, “You must have a website to stand out from your competition.” Today, having a website is a given, it’s expected. If you don’t have a website your company has almost zero credibility in the marketplace. You say you have a website? That’s great. SO DO

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None of us have ever seen anything like this. COVID-19 changed everything. And while a small number of industries are actually thriving in our Brave New World, most are facing huge drops in revenue, uncertainty about the future, and tough decisions about staffing. We need advice, direction and leadership. That’s why I asked David Belden

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